Oh, hello my new favorite shirt.
Seriously, how perfect is this “I’m addicted to Caffeine and Kindness” shirt for Mama Said Tees? And really, one of my favorite things (besides coffee) is people who are just nice, darn it.
I’ve always been a firm believer that you will get what you put into this world. People who walk around with a frown on their face are likely to get nothing but unhappiness, but those who walk around with some kind of positivity and general goodwill are likely to get goodness back. It goes along with the same idea that you’re just as happy as you make your mind up to be, and most the time, I prefer to be as happy as possible.
I think spreading around kindness helps in this pursuit because being nice makes you feel good. And if you’re nice to someone else, they’ll feel good and then be nice to someone else who will, well, be nice to someone else. Get it? Like butterfly effect, or something about Ashton Kutcher. (True story: just got side-tracked for 20 minutes looking at pictures of Ashton and Mila and their baby. Like, um, cutest family ever.)
Anywho, here’s my 10 simple ways you can spread kindness on any given day.
Smile and say “hello.” Sounds too simple, but often we go through our day seeing a lot of people and not stopping once to say “hello,” or “how are you?” We convince ourselves we’re “too busy,” but it only takes seconds to exchange in general niceties.
Take to social media! I love social media as much as the next person, but sometimes it can be down right depressing. Take to the instagram or Facebook streets leaving nice comments without any other reason than just to be kind.
Buy a coffee. I swear this isn’t some secret ploy to try to get free coffee. A few years back I had the person in front of me at the Starbucks drive-thru buy my coffee because, as the barista told me, “it was their birthday and they wanted to do nice things for others.” I will never forget that very small act of kindness. And because of them, on random occasions I tell the barista to charge me for the car behind me as well. What goes around comes back around (yes you were supposed to read that in JT’s singing voice. If you didn’t go back and try again.)
Focus on the good. While I’m all about the occasional vent session when something is going shitty, I try to focus on the good things. When I’m at work I try to focus my attention on the clients I was able to help and make happy rather than the very few who, no matter what you do, can’t be pleased. Focusing on the good helps me stay positive and upbeat.
Help a stranger. Do something simple that helps someone else like giving up the closer parking spot, help the mom with the stroller carry her groceries, hold the door, let them merge…you get the drift.
Give affirmation. Take time to let people know they are doing a good job and are appreciated. Sometimes we take certain people for granted like significant others, family members and co-workers. Make sure to remind these people that you appreciate the things they do for you and tell them specifically what you like that they do and why you appreciate it.
Listen, and ask genuine questions. Ever been in a conversation where you’re just waiting for your turn to butt in? Yea me too. And want to know something? Those conversations almost always suck. Instead, take the time to genuinely listen to someone’s story and then ask them more questions about it.
Alright, that does it. What are some of your simple ways to spread kindness?