Shopping for baby clothing is SO FUN! But there are also some pieces worth having just because they are easy and functional, too! These are some of my favorites.
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Cloud Island Sleep n Plays
These were my favorite Sleep n Plays because They are great because they have the built-in mittens at all baby ages, not just the newborn sizes. SHOP IT HERE
Burt’s Bee Sleep n Plays
I preferred these Sleep n Plays a little more after 3+ months because they don’t have built-in mittens. But, overall I love these pajamas, they are so nicely made and soft and we still wear them now. SHOP IT HERE

Hudson Booties
Hudson booties are like a shoe/sock hybrid. They are small felt slippers that velcro on. Miles couldn’t ever kick them off, unlike other shoes and socks. SHOP IT HERE
Sweet n Swag Mocs
My favorite shoes for pre-walking and early walking. They have an elastic band tongue which makes them SOOOO EASY to slide on and off. But, most importantly, they stay on really well. Plus they are lined with cotton so you can use them sockless. SHOP IT HERE

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