Hi friends. I’m currently detoxing from a fantastic weekend I wished would never end. (By detoxing I mean eating chinese food and nursing a bottle of cold medicine.)
Friends of ours from away flew in to see us for the UCONN vs. Michigan game. Us being UCONN fans and they being from Michigan, we all agreed we needed to see this game together.
Because the two gentlemen joining us had never been to New York City, we all agreed it would be the best idea for them to fly into NYC and we could spend a night getting into general mischief in NYC. It was an absolute success.
Luckily our New York City virgins had zero desire to see the typical NYC tourist destinations. So we set out on the first morning to walk across Brooklyn Bridge- somewhat touristy, but away from the typical crowds of Midtown. And the best part? It landed us in Brooklyn, one of my favorite spots in the city. We decided to rehydrate from the walk across the bridge with Bloody Marys and bacon Mac and Cheese.
Next we happened upon our favorite place of the day, The Abbey. And by “happen upon” I mean we pulled up Yelp and looked for the bar with only one “$” next to it’s name. It made up for what it lacked in looks and aesthetics in the fact that it was home to the city’s best bartender, named Mark. Immediately upon us entering, Mark suggested we have his special: Miller High Life and a shot of Whiskey. Well, that sounds like a fantastic idea.
Mark informed us that those who have this particular special must take their photo in the bar’s photo booth (he probably tells this to everyone who orders anything, but we were suckered in.) IN TO THE PHOTO BOOTH!
Mark added us to the Wall of Fame (or Shame, not quite sure) and we settled in for another round. Mark shared his Indian food with us and also taught me his cure for the hiccups (lemon + bitters, it worked like a charm.) Reluctantly, we decided it was time to venture away from this glorious place and find some more trouble to get into. We boarded the subway and headed towards Little Italy.
Quick sushi stop was next and then a pit stop back at the hotel so the BFF could fix my boot. Is she not the best thing ever? We meandered through Little Italy, which was in the middle of the
Feast of San Gennaro. There were endless stalls of every food you could want and we sidled up to one selling seafood and I tried my first clam. I’ll leave you here, as we bounced around to a few different bars after this and general recklessness ensued.
The next day we travelled back home and spent another night being young, wild and free. And then, what prompted the whole trip, Saturday was the Michigan @ UCONN game. The weather was great and the rain held off until the ride home.
In general, the entire long weekend was about perfect. Just like how sometimes I need a weekend at home doing absolutely nothing, I also sometimes need a weekend with really good friends, letting loose and causing a little trouble.
Now I’m off to shower and attempt to make up for the hours of sleep I did NOT get this weekend.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. What did you do? What do you and your friends like to do to let loose?
Also, had my first shot of fireball whiskey this weekend…and it was delicious, I now understand what all the hype was about. I’m a little worried I might be addicted (not actually addicted guys, please don’t worry about me too much.) Have you had fireball whiskey? Like/Dislike?
I have some fun posts coming for you in the coming weeks. I hope you all didn’t miss me too much while I was somewhat absent the past week, and skipped my first ever Sunday Inspiration since I started my blog. (I missed you guys!) But it was really nice to sort of unplug.