If you’ve been around for a while you know I share a lot about how to organize your home and are probably wondering why I would hire a professional organizer when I do some much organizing on my own. Well after seeing so many organization accounts on Instagram that also provide organization services, I got curious as to whether hiring a professional organizer was worth it.
We just got done renovating our kitchen and so I thought now would be the perfect time to hire a professional organizer to organize our kitchen. I’m going to share that experience with you and let you know if I thought hiring a professional organizer was worth it.
What Does A Professional Organizer Do
There are a couple of different ways you can go about hiring a professional organizer. It all depends on your needs. I didn’t have a whole bunch of stuff that needed to be decluttered and reorganized. My kitchen was completely empty since it was being renovated. I just needed tips for putting everything back and putting it back properly.
I ended up hiring a company called Horderly to do a virtual organization session with me.
How Does a Virtual Organizing Session Work
Before the session, we sent a few emails discussing all the items I own and need to keep in my kitchen. Then during the session, we hopped on a video call and I walked around my kitchen with my laptop. I showed her every cabinet and every drawer and we discussed what all my needs were. She also had me send her pictures of every space and measurements of every drawer, cabinet, etc.
By the end of the session, she had the layout of my whole kitchen plus everything thing that need to go it. Plus, we talked about any pain points I had with kitchens in the past so she could get an idea of what I might function best in my kitchen.
Organization Implementation Strategy
Within about 10 hours my organizer sent me a full mock-up of my kitchen. Basically what she did was send me a layout of my kitchen that was labeled with exactly what was going to go in each cabinet. This also included what product I would need to organize my kitchen items. Then, she included an entire shopping list of those organizational items.
I decided I was going to go in 100% and follow exactly what she said, even if I disagreed. I went to her shopping list and bought every single thing on the list and used it exactly how she suggested.
Then, I put my kitchen together pretty much exactly how she suggested that I should. There were times when I thought, “this is going to work for me.” I thought my old ways were best, but it turns out she knows what she is doing. So far I find the kitchen extremely functional and put together better than I would have done it myself.
Why Hire a Professional Organizer
If you have a space that you are feeling extremely overwhelmed by in your home, and you have the extra money, getting help may be exactly what you need to get your space in order. A professional organizer can get into your space and know exactly what you need to make that a functional space for you. Here are a few reasons why you might want to hire a professional organizer:
- You need to declutter and are overwhelmed about where to start
- You are moving into a new space (or a newly renovated space like I did) and need a fresh start. Starting off on the right foot will go a long way with easily being able to keep a space clean.
- You’ve never been able to get a space organized in a way that works for you
What I learned through this experience is that these professional organizers really are just that, professionals. They know what they are doing and they have great solutions for all types of different spaces.
My organizer thought of so many practical solutions for my kitchen that I never would have thought of, even though I’m typically an organized person.
How Much Does A Professional Organizer Charge
Okay, let’s talk about the investment. Obviously, this will vary greatly depending on what kind of service you decide to go with. There is in-home organizing, and virtual organizing, some organizers charge per room, and some charge per hour. It all really depends on what your needs are.
I paid for a virtual session and it really wasn’t bad at all. The virtual organizing session cost me $200.. I feel like for the information I got, for the structure she created for me, and because of the time it saved me, the virtual session cost was totally worth it.
The more expensive part of organizing my kitchen was purchasing the organization items that they suggested I buy. Like I said, I wanted to go all-in on this to see what the experience was truly like so I purchased everything on the list. Plus, I was organizing an entire kitchen. It wasn’t like I was just doing a linen closet.
It was a large space and completely empty. I ended up spending a total of $899.61. However, if I wanted to, I didn’t have to buy everything at once. I could have different sections of my kitchen as I went instead of buying everything at once. That’s what’s nice about the virtual session. You can reorganize and purchase things based on what time and money you have.
Was It Really Worth It?
Hiring a professional organizer was a great experience overall. I 100% think that I got the value that I spend out of it. I got so much insight and information that I would never have thought of myself. The process was extremely easy, which I loved. She literally told me what to buy and exactly where to put it. Plus, there was a lot of flexibility to grow within that.
Let me tell you, every single organizational structure that she put together for me is so functional. I haven’t had to tweak it at all. What I loved about this process was that I wasn’t allowed to overthink it or think that I knew best.
Sometimes, the way you are used to doing something can get you hung up in a space. It was amazing to have a fresh pair of eyes who knew what they were doing and what organizational system worked best in various spaces.
I can’t tell you how pleased I am with this entire process, especially from someone who is pretty good at organizing a space.
Overall, it was totally worth it. More so than I actually thought it was going to be in the beginning. It saved me endless time and I go so many strategies and solutions that I wouldn’t have thought about myself.