Today we’re going to look at eyebrow and eyelash hacks. Tips and tricks for your brows and for mascaras.
Let’s start with eyelash hacks.
Curl your lashes twice
When curling your lashes, curl them once at the base (per usual) and then again around the middle of the lash, to get extra curl!
Use a mascara guard
You can buy simple little guards like this one that protect your eyeshadow from the accidental “oops” with the mascara.
Go vertical
When applying mascara to your bottom lashes, try using the wand vertically to grab ever little baby bottom lash without clumping.
Don’t Pump!
When you’re trying to get more mascara out of your tube, don’t pump the wand – this adds more air to the tube and dries out your product quicker. Instead, swirl your wand inside the tube.
Ok, let’s move on to some eyebrow hacks.
Find your natural shape
You can simply find your brows natural shape with something straight, like a makeup brush. Make a line straight up from the outer edge of your nose and this is a good natural place for your brows to start. Make a line from the center of your nose to cross your eye’s pupil and this is a good place for your brow’s arch. Then from the center of your nose to the outer edge of your eye and this is a good place for your brow to naturally end.
Use white eyeshadow to avoid over-tweezing
Before tweezing, trace out your brow with white eyeshadow. This will act as a little guide for you as you tweeze so you know exactly where to pull (and where not to!) I’ve read some tips before that suggest a white eyeliner but I don’t suggest that as eyeliner tends to be more tacky and will push the hairs down, making them harder to grab when you tweeze.
Light it up
Proper lighting is key when you’re tweezing. Consider keeping some tweezers in your car – the sun that comes through your windshield is awesome natural lighting. You can also consider a small handheld lit mirror, that will light your face and make tweezing easier.
Avoid overfilling
The way you want your brows to look is totally personal, and if you like a really filled in brow then go for it (I dig it). But, if you’re looking for a more natural look, I say avoid it. I think it’s easy to get carried away with brows and keep filling and filling (getting them all on fleek and what have you.) Instead, try focusing your pigment on the center of your brow, near the arch. This will make your eyebrow look more lifted and youthful. Then, lightly blend the color out so it’s less full on the outer edges.
See these hacks in action, or check out even more eyebrow and eyelashes hacks in my latest video:

What are your favorite tips for lashes and brows?