Being a blogger isn’t all fun and games and when faced with certain predicaments, I think we’ve all done things we’re less than proud to admit we’ve done.
Most of these are from my first year of blogging, mistakes I’ve learned from and know better now. Others are things I still do – and I ain’t sorry.
1. Make a cup of coffee just for the instagram picture. It’s true, and I’ve done it more than once.
2. Photoshop my nail polish when it looked rachet. You know what, I’m not even that embarrassed about this. A chipped nail can ruin a picture, quick. If you’re in this business, a good picture is vital. If you were at work you wouldn’t NOT edit something that was wrong, right? I mean, it’s kinda the same thing.
3. Taken 3 weeks to finally write a post. Enter this post that I started over a month ago. Some posts just take time to come together and I’ll drag my feet trying to decide how to finish the last two sentences of a post sometimes.
4. Letting my domain expire. For as much effort and time and work as I put into this blog, the fact that I actually let my domain expire boggles my mind. Someone could have snatched it up in two seconds and left me in a big pickle.
5. Buying followers. You may or may not know this but there are actually apps and websites that allow you to buy followers for instagram, twitter, etc. When I was in my first few months of blogging I was desperate to have followers (the numbers, so trivial!). I purchased about 150 followers, which at the time seemed ginormous. It was stupid seeing as they aren’t authentic followers who care about your content, leave comments, or like your things. I actually am not even sure they are actual real people, just fake accounts. If you’re into growing your social medias just trust me that buying fake followers is a dead end. What’s the point of followers who don’t engage?
6. Written a skewed review of a product. I remember when I got my FIRST offer to review a product in exchange for getting the product for free. I was completely enamored at the fact that my blog could actually GET something FOR FREE. Blogging newbie here, guys. I didn’t care if it was a product I was going to like or not, I took it and wrote a blog post all about it! Now, I would never commit to reviewing a product on my blog this way. I am honest and straight forward and tell companies “listen, if I don’t like it, I’m not going to write about it.” I’ve never had a company turn away at this response. They want authentic reviews and respect it.
7. Taken myself too seriously: This is really just a mistake in life, but all the same for the blog world. My blog is now my second job. I make revenue from it and have clients and deadlines and meetings. And, when something is work, it’s important to be professional and serious about it. However, part of the reason blogging is fun is because it’s myself. I don’t need to try to be someone else or live up to some standards of what I think others think I am. In order for this blog to be truly successful, I need to be 100% my authentic self.
8. Taken a snap selfie more than 5 times Literally the whole point of Snapchat is that it doesn’t matter if it’s the perfect selfie or even that good… I’ve still retaken a snapchat self over and over trying to get it “just right” SMH.
If you’re a fellow blogger, or can relate to any of these, let me know in the comments. What’s your most embarrassing blogging mishap!?
Oh, and speaking of embarrassing I’ve been taking a little walk down memory lane this week since it’s been 10 years since I graduated High School (WHAT?!) I shared a video where I compared my high school makeup to my makeup now, if you care to take look and see how High School Kallie got ready!