Holy Tuesday after a 3-day weekend. I know three day weekends are supposed to be relaxing, and trust me mine was (I binged watched Quantico on Netflix and am not sorry about it), but I feel more exhausted than usual this morning. TGFC, thought right? (That means Thank God for Coffee, FYI). In honor of dragging your butt outta bed after a long weekend, I’m sharing an ode to the only thing that can get me out of the bed, and that’s coffee. Here’s 15 signs you are utterly, and totally addicted to coffee.
1.Your first thought upon waking is always “first cup.”
2. Coffee, in your opinion, is equal to a religious experience.
3. You have an alarming large, and always growing, collection of mugs.
4. Coffee memorabilia is always growing as well including shirts, home decors, and jewelry.
My newest addition is my coffee cup necklace from Rose Water Designs. Is it not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen ever?!
5. Coffee takes priority over all over things on your morning to do list.
6. There is no time of day when coffee is not acceptable.
7. You like some people more just because they are also addicted to coffee. It’s like a club.
8. You feel personally victimized by decaf.
9. Anyone who knows you, knows it’s the way to your heart.
10. If you’re spending the night at someone else’s house you always pack a small French press, or inquire beforehand as to the “coffee situation” in the morning.
11. The barista knows your order and has it ready when you’re at the counter.
12. You know that coffee has medicinal properties because every morning it makes you feel like you’re not dying anymore.
13. You would rather drink a bad cup of coffee than no cup at all.
14. You’ve actually thought the follow phrase, or even said it aloud, “I’ve kill a small child for a cup of coffee right now.”
15. You can do anything…given the right amount of coffee
Comment down below if you can relate to any, or all, of these! Sometimes I feel like I should be sorry for my coffee addiction but I’m just not… at all. Pour my another cup barkeep barista.
And, don’t forget to check out Rose Water Designs for your own coffee lovers jewelry to add to your collection!