Shop – Baby Feeding Products

Below you’ll see all my favorite baby feeding products. For some more info on my baby feeding journey you might like the following posts:

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Ezpz Open Cup

This has been my favorite open cup for Miles to use. We tried a few others but this one is just the right size for his hands and the weighted bottom makes it easy for him to pic up and place back down. SHOP IT HERE


Baprons are one of my favorite bibs. It’s like a bib-apron hybrid that ties around the body rather than the neck for a better fit. It is also machine washable and takes up barely any space in the diaper bag for when you go out. SHOP IT HERE

Grabease Spoon and Fork

These are the spoon/fork Miles uses the most. The handle is super easy for him to grab and I find heโ€™s most likely to use these than any others. Most utensils have handles too long. They are also great for on-the-go. SHOP IT HERE

ChooMee Tops

If you feed your child pouches you’ll love these. They pop on top of almost any brand pouch and make it unable for your little one to squeeze the pouch out (they need to bite down and suck for the puree comes out.) Itโ€™s brilliant and has saved us from SO MANY messes. SHOP IT HERE

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I'm Kallie!

Nothing happens around here before coffee, so pour a cup and join me. Here youโ€™ll find life hacks, budgeting, simple DIYs, and honest motherhood.
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