Happiest of Mondays and first day of February! I can’t believe we’re already into the second month of 2016!
I’ve never really been super into Valentine’s Day. I’m not really sure why but it just never grasped me. I’ve realized that I’ve never been one to get into holidays unless it was Christmas really. Other holidays on my “eh” list include Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter…yea everything but Christmas. But, I’m really trying to get a little more into some of the other holidays because they are fun!
But don’t hold your breath for holiday themed backdrops in my YouTube videos or instagram feed anytime soon. Baby steps.
So I tried my hand at 8 awesome Valentine DIYs you can do to get into the spirit and you can check them all out n this week’d BFC video.
The DIYs I’m sharing are:
1. Heart-shaped Marshmallows //
Using this marshmallow recipe, I followed it and then cut the marshmallows into heart shapes. The homemade marshmallows are even better than the ones in the store because they literally MELT into the hot chocolate. DELICIOUS.
2. Paper Heart Garland //
This paper heart garland is so simple and easy, and is a quick way to add a little Valentine’s Day jazz to your house. Perfect for the mantle, along a window, or above your bed.
3. Valentine’s Day Loafers //
Embroidered and patterned loafers are super cute, and these are so easy to make and give a cute Valentine’s Day flair. By using a simple hand cut stencil and some fabric paint, I was able to jazz up some boring loafers to give them cute look.
4. Coconut Oil Scrubs //
Coconut oil is one of my favorite beauty tricks and by mixing it with a larger grained sugar you can make the perfect in-shower scrub. Recipe: 1 cup melted coconut oil (let it cool some so it doesn’t dissolve the sugar. 1 to 1-1/2 cps sugar. A few drops essential oil and a few drops red food coloring.
5. Love Potion //
With some Mod Podge,some scrapbook paper, and a little glitter I just Valentine’s Day-ed up these wine and beer bottles to make them into “love potions”
7. Conversation Heart Cookies //
Using a sugar cookie base, I used a gel food coloring and small paintbrush to write fun sayings onto the Valentine’s Day cookies
8. Wine Gummies //
Yes, yes…yes. I used this wine gummy recipe to make WINE GUMMIES and it was amazing. Using a mini cookie cutter I cut them into hearts.