6 Monday Morning Confessions

I’ve always felt there is nothing like some early Monday morning confessions to start the week off right.  Grab your coffee and let’s get to confessin’

Here’s six things I’m only kinda embarrassed to tell you.

ONE: So, just like everyone else in America I started working out for 2016 and I am SO OUT OF SHAPE. Guys, it’s not even funny. I don’t like I’d even survive a 1st grade P.E. class right now.


TWO: Last weekend I ran out of food for my dogs and so I fed them pizza for dinner and then leftover chicken salad for breakfast.

THREE: I was cooking artichokes but forgot I was cooking artichokes and the water all boiled off and the artichokes all but caught on fire. So I panicked and took the entire pot outside to cool off. Then.. I forgot about it outside for 5 days.


FOUR: Welp, Target’s unavoidable pull sucked me in. I really should be all that embarrassed but usually I’m pretty good about controlling the “I HAVE TO HAVE THIS” need. Well, hedgehog salt and pepper shakers, another mug (because I need more of those), a sherpa vest, and $103 later I left defeated (but also happy because hedgehog salt and pepper shakers.)

FIVE: Speaking of “getting fit” for the New Years…this is what I ate this weekend: Klondike Bar (it was mint chocolate chip… do you blame me?), chicken and waffles, baked mac and cheese, fish tacos with french fries – oh and don’t forget the too many glasses and of wine and ump-teen cocktails. So yea, safe to say I’m “easing” myself into it. (In my defense, because I like to rationalize things, I ate like a healthy ass champ Monday-Friday. AND my mom was visiting and everyone knows when you have company you’re not supposed to eat healthy ’cause that’s stupid.)


SIX: For those of you who don’t know, I’m having my wedding dress made. Well this weekend we were working on the bodice and had to bring it in THREE times because my boobs were too small. Oh, and the boob area is too big still so we’re gunna be shoving socks in there for reals. #fancy

Go ahead…I told you mine so you tell me yours…tell me your confessions.

But First, Coffee

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I'm Kallie!

Also known as That Practical Mom

I’m all about helping you simplify the chaos of life so you can slow down and enjoy it.

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Woman cleaning dishes at the kitchen sink

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